
Easy Love Spells

A candle spell for love between people.

At the planetary hour of Sun, take a red square candle and engrave on it the magic square of  number 9368.
Then take a white paper and write the same magic spuare and  at the top of it write 20 times يا ودود, at the right side write 20 times يا بارئ  and at the left side write 20 times يا هادي.
Put it next to the candle and leave it there until it is completely burned.
Take the paper and carry it with you along with a nice aroma and
 everybody will love you!
And if you want someone specific to llove you the only thing you have to do is write his or her name on the back.

A love candle spell from the Arabic magic

In square beeswax candle write the words on the sides and while it is burning concentrate and ask what you desire.
Let it burn until the end.

يانش2 بتجلجميش2 ياجلجميش2 هوش2 مهراقش2 عجل أيها الملك جرنوش و هيج و عطف و ألف قلب -- إلى ---- بحق هذه الأسماء و بحق وَيْلٌ لِّكُلِّ هُمَزَةٍ لُّمَزَةٍ الَّذِي جَمَعَ مَالًا وَعَدَّدَهُ يَحْسَبُ أَنَّ مَالَهُ أَخْلَدَهُ كَلَّا لَيُنبَذَنَّ فِي الْحُطَمَةِ وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْحُطَمَةُ نَارُ اللَّهِ الْمُوقَدَةُ الَّتِي تَطَّلِعُ عَلَى الْأَفْئِدَةِ إِنَّهَا عَلَيْهِم مُّؤْصَدَةٌ فِي عَمَدٍ مُّمَدَّدَةٍ و بالذي قال للسموات و الأرض ائتيا طوعا أو كرها. قالتا طائعين. الوحا العجل الساعة

The candles are made under very strict astrological aspects  according to the rules of Knowledge.

A very easy love spell

Write on a white paper with red ink what you see at the picture  

and the after the words

همياش2 بطلياش2 معوش2 العجل2 يا خدام هذه الأسماء و هيجوا ----- إبن ----- بمحبة ----- بنت ----- حتى ياتي عاجلا إليها و يراضيها الوحا العجل الساعة

At the first and second space from right to left write his name and the name of his mother and at the third and fourth write your name name and your mothers name.

At last put into the parer three grains of black pepper. Burn the paper along with the peppers on charcoal.

To attract someone you love!

A very easy spell for love!
If you want to bring to you a woman with love, write at three papers on Thursday during the hour of Venus  the following.

                                       توكلوا يا خدام هذا الطلسم بجلب كذا إلي كذا

At this part   كذا إلي كذا  you write your request.
Ask us if need any help.

At last place at the middle of each paper put incense for love and burn it on charcoal. One at the morning, one at noon and one at sunset.

An old spell  to bring someone to you!

Write on white paper the words while burning a mixture of frankincense, Makal Azraq and Jawi.
Once finished, hung the paper in a way that the air makes it move.
Whoever you ask will come quickly.

If you wand to bring a man, write

اللهم بحق هاروت وماروت وما دب تحت الشمس والقمر ان يحرق قلب فلان ابن فلانة الى محبة فلانة بنت فلانة بحق اهيا شراهيا أدوناي أصباؤت ال شداي الوحا الوحا العجل العجل الساعة الساعة

If you want to bring a woman, write

اللهم بحق هاروت وماروت وما دب تحت الشمس والقمر ان تحرق قلب فلانة بنت فلانة الى محبة فلان ابن فلانة بحق اهيا شراهيا أدوناي أصباؤت ال شداي الوحا الوحا العجل العجل الساعة الساعة

With the power of surah ikhlas!  A spell to arouse your lovers interest in you.

At Friday write on paper the following

بطمطميش بطمطميش قمطميش قمطميش مططوش مططوش عليوش عليوش قيطوش قيطوش عليكوش عليكوش هلهليوش هلهليوش توكلوا يا خدام هذه الأسماء بجلب و تهييج قلب و غرام و روح و عقل كذا إلى محبة و مودة كذا في أقرب وقت بحق الأسماء هذه الوحا الوحا العجل العجل الساعة الساعة

(At the blue كذا write his name and the name of his mother and at the red كذا write your name and the name of your mother.)

Put into bachour for arousal ( for exable Venus incence) and burn it saying 3 times  Surah Al-Ikhlas

Surah Al-Ikhlas
Qul huwal laahu ahad
Allah hus-samad
Lam yalid wa lam yoolad
Wa lam yakul-lahu kufuwan ahad
the blue كذا write his name and the name of his mother. In red كذا write your name and the name of your mother.

A powerful and time tested love spell!

Write 9 times the following on Monday at the time the Sun sets. 
ترش ترش ترش تريوش تريوش تريوش قيوش قيوش قيوش شلوش شلوش شلوش موش موش موش يرش يرش يرش شلش شلش شلش الوحا العجل الساعة توكلوا يا روحانية هذه الأسماء و هيجوا و البوا قلب و غرام و نفس و روح-- - إبن --- إلى محبة و مودة و مكان --- بنت ---- في أقرب وقت بحق هذه الأسماء فيكم و عليك

At the first and second space from right to left  put his name and his mother's and at the third and fourth space put your name and  your mother's.

For three nights starting Monday burn the first three. At Tuesday the same time burn the other three and at Wednesday at the same time burn the last three.
You will burn one after another, the second after the first stops smoking and the third after the second stops smoking.

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